Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Play time at the Park...

Sienna and Brogun
Monkey time...
Little dare devil....
Sienna, Brogun, Drake, and Trevin..

With Utah weather being the way it is, we never know from one day to the next what it will be like. This fall/spring has been particularly bad for that. Nice and warm one day and blizzard the next. So on the days where it is warm we take full advantage of it and head to the park.
Brogun has no fear and loves to climb everything. His favorite is going down the slide with Sienna. And I think she enjoys it just as much. Here are just a few picture's of the kiddos playing.
Posted by: Monique Moore

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hoppy Easter...

Brogun and Sienna enjoying some treats..

The grandkids and their cool sunglasses..
Most of the Moore Grandkids..

Picking up treats...

Waiting for Grandma to say "GO"!

We had a wonderful Easter once again. We had our annual Easter egg and scavanger hunt on Saturday morning at Grandma and Grandad's house. The kids LOVE picking up the treats and surprises that the Easter bunny has left for them on the lawn.
Then it is the "Big" kids turn with the scavanger hunt that Cindy puts together every year. It is always a blast and good exercise as she places well hide clues from the back yard to the front.
Once we have found all the clues then we unscramble the circled letter and find where she has hidden the big bags of candy.
This year General Conference was over Easter weekend so we didn't have church. It was so wonderful to listen to the words of the Prophet and General authority and remember what Easter is really about.
We had a Delicious Easter lunch on Sunday and really enjoyed being with family.

Posted by: Monique Moore

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Brogun's First Birthday...

My cute Firetruck cake made by Grandma Cindy
Digging in..

Look Mom!!!

Our little Fire Chief..

Opening presents..

Hard to believe that a year has already gone by since we brought this handsome little Brogun home from the hospital. He is such a blast and is such a blessing to our family. He has such a happy and busy little personality. And everyone is wrapped around those little fingers.
Brogun had a wonderful first birthday. We had his party at Great-Grandma Allens house. Grandma Cindy made the cutest firetruck cake and cup cakes that were all delicious. And as you can see he loved to dig in. Brogun's cousins were a big help with cleaning (eating) the cake that he had thrown all over the table. We are so very thankful for this sweet little boy and all the love he has brought into our family.

Snow Clean up Crew....

Derrick and his brothers' all Love it when the snow falls. It gives them the excuse to break out the 4-wheelers and play in the snow. Actually, they spend alot of time plowing the drive ways and side walks of lots of people in town. It is always appreciated by so many of the widows and the elderly who know they don't have to worry about clearing the snow. And the boys have a blast doing it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Introducing....Mayor Kevin Moore

It is official, Kevin Glen Moore was sworn is as Elsinore's Mayor on January 5, 2010. He said he was only a "LITTLE" nervous. Most of the family was present for his swearing in and while he conducted his first city council meeting. He will do a great job and we are all so proud of him.
Posted by:Monique Moore